Leadership Coaching - Management Consulting - Organizational Development
Whether development or crisis ... together we'll find a good way forward to great solutions!
An inspiring sparring partner can make all the difference in your project ...
«We worked with Hans-Ueli Schlumpf in the process of developing a Vision for our school. In a collaborative process, the direction and imperatives for the development towards the future of our Secondary School were defined by including the entire staff. This ambitious project, which was additionally complicated during the pandemic, required a high degree of engagement and flexibility from everybody involved. Hans-Ueli Schlumpf has inspired us along the way over one year with creative ideas and valuable impulses until we were able to continue our journey on our own. We are very grateful for his support.»
St.M. (m) & B.L. (m), Co-Principals at a Secondary School (Basel, Switzerland)
«I've known Hans-Ueli Schlumpf for many years. When I held the role of Pharmaceutical Director in a leading global pharmaceutical company, he originally served as a training manager and was a reliable source for leaders and business units with his comprehensive understanding about organization and management, leadership and change, training and coaching. In the beginning, he covered responsibilities for onboarding and initial training for sales representatives and sales leaders as well as for momentum in the continued development of the sales and marketing leadership culture. When the company went through major transformation, he revealed his great potential and grew into the role of a fast learning and prudent consultant and coach while supporting leaders and teams with acumen, foresight, state-of-the-art change strategies, and custom-designed interventions. Even years later, in my own (award-winning) consulting firm, I realize how the collaboration with Hans-Ueli has sustainably inspired my approaches to management and consulting and how this has become part of my success in helping clients increase performance, navigate change, and innovate ahead of the competition - also and especially in today's even more turbulent times.»
M.W. (m), Management and Marketing Consultant for the Pharmaceutical Industry; former Pharmaceutical Director (Zurich, Switzerland)
«As a former president of the Professional Supervisors Federation in France, I had and still have multiple opportunities to collaborate with Hans-Ueli Schlumpf. Among other work, he contributed a workshop to a conference of PSF in Paris on "The Art of Reflective Learning". A topic around which he has elaborated comprehensive research and an effective methodology since it is the very heart of professional practice in coaching, supervision, and therapy. Feedbacks from participants were enthusiastic and the workshop was a strong added value to the global event.»
F. J-M. (m), Professional Supervisor, former President and member of the board of PSF (Paris, France)
«We have been enjoying a prosperous and constructive collaboration with Hans-Ueli Schlumpf for years. At some of our conventions he has contributed creative workshops about Leadership and Self-Leadership topics. In one of our projects he is contributing keynotes about Leadership and Self-Leadership, Employability and Health in the New Work environment as our cooperative partner drawing from his rich background of knowledge and experience in organizational-, leadership-, and team-development as well as self-improvement.»
M.G. (f), Gesellschafterin und Direktorin, Institut für Arbeitsfähigkeit (Mainz, Germany)
«Over the course of more than two decades in leading roles in marketing and sales in the pharmaceutical industry, I have experienced many organizational changes. Hans-Ueli Schlumpf's work as an internal People- and Organizational development professional had a sustainable impact on me. His leadership development approaches - from onboarding and project-oriented trainings to continued development based on modern leadership principles - are outstanding. Sound theories, applicable leadership models, clear objectives and strategies as well as reflective practice and pragmatic methodologies built the foundation for my continued success. In retrospect, during that time I acquired some of the richest learnings with regard to both, my career and my personal development.»
N.M. (m), former Sales & Marketing Manager, Swiss branch of a globally leading pharmaceutical company (Zurich, Switzerland)
«As a professional coach and supervisor myself, I attended a workshop in the context of an international conference for coachs and supervisors led by Hans-Ueli Schlumpf, and it was a truly informative and transformative experience. The session was insightful, engaging, and had practical ideas for my own personal growth and my work with my clients. My favorite part was that, when you let go of your need to control and detach from specific outcomes, things may work out with much less effort - or even better than you could imagine. Hans-Ueli's approach was inspiring and made complex ideas easy to grasp. I left feeling empowered, with a clearer vision for some personal next steps. I found his ellipsis concept very powerful and helpful - it was more than just a theory, it was a great experience. I highly recommend his concepts and methodologies.»
P.J. (f) Professional Coach & Supervisor, Member of the Board of EASC (European Association for Supervision and Coaching)
«I can highly recommend Hans-Ueli Schlumpf for Coaching and Supervision. Over a period of nine months I had fifteen sessions of meta-supervision and benefited a lot from his professional support. He created a safe setting for my self-reflection of my own work as a coach. He provided a variety of adequately applied tools, suitable interventions, and inspiring summaries. I could bring up any topic and he could support me in all of them. And I would work again with Hans-Ueli anytime.»
M.M., (m), Leadership Coach, Supervisor, ICF PCC (Madrid, Spain)
«I had the honor of meeting Hans-Ueli Schlumpf at the ANSE Summer University in Budapest, where we both attended a workshop. I was in the role of the supervisee and Hans-Ueli was the supervisor. It was an amazing experience. He guided me through the process easily, simply, honestly, and created an atmosphere of trust, calm and support. Thanks to this, I realized my inner readiness. And with his respectful encouragement, I am inspired to open up and act more boldly in my professional field. I was very happy that he was the witness and "co-creator" of my inner transformation.»
E.R. (f), Coach, Supervisor, Organizational Consultant (Vilnius, Lithuania)
«Hans-Ueli Schlumpf and I are both consultancy professionals and have known each other as peers for a very long time. I always experience him as appreciative, calm and reflective in conversations. In particular, I'm very impressed by his «master piece» CCIEL and by his book «Dialog- und Lernkultur in Organisationen», which is part of my library. Thank you for our longterm professional relationship.»
R.v.B. (m), active steps GmbH, MAS FH in Coaching and in Business Psychology (Baden, Switzerland)
«As a contributor to a "Peer Impuls bso" (an online format for continued education and networking among the coaching community BSO), I facilitated a workshop for a group of peers. Hans-Ueli Schlumpf, in his role as board member of the BSO and initiator of this new online format, accompanied me through my preparations. Working as an individual entrepreneur, I appreciated his support very much. Hans-Ueli took time for our briefings as a sparring partner, which certainly contributed to the positive resonance that I got for my workshop. I want to thank him for his engagement and support.»
A.W. (f), lic.rer.pol, Systemische Beraterin SySt®, Coach BSO (Bern, Switzerland)
»Without my coaching sessions with you I probably wouldn't be where I am today professionally. You are doing a great job and I'll certainly recommend you.«
M.B. (m), Project Lead in IT Consulting (Dornach, Switzerland)
My Book
The book is available in german, please find a sample reading below and switch to the german version of the homepage (button top right) for testimonials.
I'd like to make the book available to an international audience. If you can make a contribution to speed up translation or know somebody who might, please spread the word, thank you very much!
Reading sample (german) from the book by Hans-Ueli Schlumpf (published in March 2019)
632 KB
Profile Hans-Ueli Schlumpf
CCIEL - Competency Center for Integral Evolution and Leadership
Complete Details in ImprintM: +41 79 888 92 92
W: www.cciel.ch
E: office

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