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Evolucreative Consulting in pictures ...

Impressions from workshops with different clients from various industries, diverse objectives and methodologies: leadership teams, business units, whole organizations ...

Organizational Development: Strategic Change Road Map  (European HR Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Strategic Change Road Map

(European HR Leadership Team)

Team Development: Roles and Collaboration  (Business Unit)

Team Development: Roles and Collaboration

(Business Unit)

Organizational Development: Year around Management Processes  (Marketing Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Year around Management Processes

(Marketing Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: SWOT Analysis  (Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: SWOT Analysis

(Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Leadership Culture  (Marketing Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Leadership Culture

(Marketing Leadership Team)

Strategy Development: Marketing and Sales Strategy  (Sales & Marketing Team)

Strategy Development: Marketing and Sales Strategy

(Sales & Marketing Teams)

Team Development: Self Perception - Other's Perception  (IT Team)

Team Development: Self Perception - Other's Perception

(IT Team)

Organizational Development: Continuous Improvement Projects, Roles & Responsbilities  (Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Continuous Improvement Projects, Roles & Responsbilities

(Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Structures - Roles - Responsibilities  (Business Unit Leadership Team)

Organizational Development: Structures - Roles - Responsibilities

(Business Unit Leadership Team)

utdoor Team Experience near the Matterhorn, Zermatt, Switzerland:  Building Musical Instruments and «Monster Concert Performance»

Outdoor Team Experience near the Matterhorn, Zermatt, Switzerland:

Building Musical Instruments and «Monster Concert Performance»

(Company, 180 participants; 12 Leadership Coaches, 8 Sound Coaches)

Photos: Hans-Ueli Schlumpf (all rights reserved)

CCIEL - Competency Center for Integral Evolution and Leadership

Complete Details in Imprint

M: +41 79 888 92 92
W: www.cciel.ch
E: office

Coaching Models

- Coaching Models

CCIEL Navigators

- CCIEL Navigators

MindFlow Videos

- The EvoluCreative MindFlow by CCIEL


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- About CCIEL
- Person
- CV Hans-Ueli Schlumpf
- Imprint
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